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The first week of cooking club was a huge success, this was sweet week We made iced biscuits we had to follow the instructions to make sure our biscuits turned out the way we wanted them to. We used lots of skills, mixing, spreading, measuring and had lots of fun .


It has been another busy week in P2. We enjoyed seeing Mrs Keenan again for music and could be heard singing at the top of our voices and marching to the beat from the other end of the corridor! We continued to explore the health and wellbeing indicators. We are beginning to recognise their importance ... Continue reading P2 Update 30.8.24 →


It's been another full week in P2 and the learning is well underway. We enjoyed our first assembly of the school year today and got the chance to show off some of our dance moves. We began our new topic, people who help us and had a hunt around our school to find some ... Continue reading P2 Update 23.8.24 →


Welcome back to our wonderful P2s! What a fabulous first week. Although, I'm so sorry to say that we were having so much fun, we forgot to take any photographs. We will endeavour to do better next week. I do have a couple of PE shots thanks to Mrs McMaster! We have spent the week ... Continue reading Back to School - P2 →