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We are delighted to have our class back, we missed you all! P4 have made a positive start to the new school year. We have spent lots of time reviewing our school values and ensuring we are following these and trying our best. We have settled into our new routines and working very hard ... Continue reading A welcome return to P4 →
P6 M have been busy getting back into all of our school routines . We have been creating our Class Charter. We discussed the importance of following our School Values and showing respect and kindness towards ourselves , our peers, our school staff, our families and our community. Our SHANARRI Characters remind us of ... Continue reading Primary 6 M are off to a flying start ! →
It's been another full week in P2 and the learning is well underway. We enjoyed our first assembly of the school year today and got the chance to show off some of our dance moves. We began our new topic, people who help us and had a hunt around our school to find some ... Continue reading P2 Update 23.8.24 →
What a fantastic first two weeks in Primary 1. We have all made good friends and have been learning the routines in school. At lunchtime we have done very well sitting independently with our friends and eating our lunch. Today for the first time we joined in the whole school assembly where we showed great ... Continue reading Starting String in Primary 1 →
Welcome back Primary 5 and what a first two weeks we are having! We are showing super listening skills and are embodying the school values. We are creating our class charter and have also been discussing why learning and taking pride in our work is so important. For our class story this term we will ... Continue reading Primary 5 are smashing it! →
An action packed week in Rannoch...We have focused on numbers to 10 in Numeracy and are working hard on practising our number formation. We have also learned more in our Literacy activities in terms of ordering the alphabet and recognising initial sounds. A great week of progress! We have also enjoyed playing together and listening ... Continue reading Rannoch News →