St Mary's Primary School Polbeth
What a difference a week can make... Tay Class had time playing outdoors on the grass now all the snow has melted. We had a visit to the trim trail with Rannoch Class which we really enjoyed especially as we haven't been there for a while. AE and AH loved playing in the big puddle ... Continue reading Tay Class St. Mary's Primary Enhanced Resource Base →
In class this week we have been using different language for big and small in our number work, greater and less, more and fewer. We have played lots of games with numbers to develop our understanding. We spent some time this week deciding what it was that we wanted to learn about Scotland for our ... Continue reading Primary 1 →
We have had a super week in Rannoch Class...Despite the snow being away we have enjoyed beginning our new Topic - 'Winter' We have been learning about related weather, what to wear and what animals do when the weather grows cold. In our Read, Write Inc. lessons we have been learning about the initial sound ... Continue reading Rannoch News →