I hope everyone has been having a good week? We have been having some great weather this week, I hope you have managed to get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.

It is also important to get good sleep, this will help to keep your mind and body healthy.

I am very pleased to be able to share so great examples of making equal grouping work that have been sent in to me.

Lots of us have been developing life skills during this period of Home Learning. I have received some great  examples of life skills learning, helping around the home is a great way to develop new skills that will help you in the wider world. Keep up the good work.

I know how much everyone enjoys our Art lessons with Miss Mackie so I thought I would a share the ideas that we posted again, just in case anyone missed them.


Well done to everyone who has logged into the SumDog Maths and Spelling Challenges this week and those who are continuing to use Prodigy!

Keep going with the efforts, some amazing work getting done!

Topping the leader board now for time spent on SumDog Spelling is Skye.

Topping the leader board now for time spent on SumDog Maths is now Sofia.

Topping the leader board for time spent on Prodigy remains Joe.

Remember if you would like to share any of  your learning with me please send it into:


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