Monday again Rannoch Boys, and a big ‘Hello’ from Mrs Hilson & Miss Mains as well this week boys…they are missing you too so very much! Hope you are all managing some fun times together with your families. Have you managed a little work yet from the class pack or managed to go online to – Sumdog, Prodigy, Education City, Epic Reader or Oxford Owl? Remember your passwords are in your class pack folder! I know some days will be hard and you will just not feel like it, but that is okay as well. On the latest home learning grid, there are a couple of easy recipe ideas, among other subject areas – you must me missing your weekly cookery in class as well! I am sure you will have been baking at home as well to keep your skills up!You will find Rannoch’s latest Home learning grid-

Stay safe, be kind to each other, look after each other – our love goes to you all,

Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Hilson, Miss Mains

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