Welcome Back Primary 2, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
Below is this week’s learning grid. Please work through these at your own pace throughout the week. The aim is to complete at least 45 minute on literacy and maths per day as well as 45 minutes on an activity from the other curricular areas
Primary 2 Home Learning Grid 4 WB 27-04
You can also find this grid on the school website, from the home page click pupil zone then home learning and choose Primary 2. Here is the link to the web page:
This week we are moving on to the next Habit in Leader in Me, Habit 4, Think Win – Win. Please have a look at the assembly PowerPoint which is below. The tasks to be completed to support the development of this Habit are included in the learning grid. The activities should be completed over two weeks.
Leader in Me – Habit 4 Think Win Win Intro Assembly
I have been getting some great examples of home learning sent in, please keep this up as I love hearing what you have been up to and I love seeing your photos. If you would like to send something in please send it to:wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk for the attention of Miss Stenhouse
I have been blown away by the efforts on SumDog this week, please keep this up. This is a difficult time and I understand that it may be hard to get into the swing of Home Learning but it is important to keep our minds as well as our bodies active.
A big well done to all the adults at home who are supporting Home Learning.
I hope you enjoy this weeks learning.