Hi boys. I hope you are all well and continuing to have lots of fun with your families. The adults are all still missing you and have been busy thinking of things to share with you!


How are you all feeling?  I’m in the green zone  this morning and excited to share with you all. I’ve had fun thinking of things to do with you all and trying out some of the tasks at home.  Can’t wait to learn with you all again.  How are you all feeling?  Are you finding it tricky to learn at home or are you enjoying it?  Are you able to talk about your feelings?  How are other people in your house feeling?  Why not have a wee look at the clips below and talk to someone at home about them.

Remembe our new learning grid went live on the school website last week. You can find it here



Mrs Thomson has been super busy exploring different ways of making sounds and has made lots of instruments from recycled materials around her house.   She even sent some video of her enjoying making her great guitar so you guys can have a go too.

Check back later for more musical instrument fun and remember you can share yours too by asking an adult to help you to email them to me.

Love and miss you all

Miss Lindsay ❤


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