P.E with Joe Wicks Cosmic kids – 

L.I.  – I am learning to stay active and healthy

S.C. – I can begin the day with some activity.

–  I can waken up my body and mind by following the instructor.



L.I.  – I am learning to identify a pronoun in a sentence and say which noun it is replacing.

S.C.    –

  • I can state that a pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, eg. He, she, it, they.
  • I can state that a possessive pronoun is a word that tell us about the owner of an object in place of a noun.
  • I can select an appropriate possessive pronoun to complete a sentence.

There is a booklet of worksheets in the files for today.  We will be completing the Priscilla Pronouns 2 worksheet today and I will do a call at 10am for anyone wanting to join.  Please complete this in class notebook if you can access it as this allows me to help you if you are having difficulty.  Just type out the noun and pronoun for each sentence.

Pronouns booklet                  Pronoun possessive warm up


L.I.  – I am learning to read an unfamiliar text with understanding of its meaning

S.C.    –

  • I can select a text from the Oxford Owls website and use the comprehension tasks to deepen my understanding of the text.
  • I can read the first chapter of the book with understanding of the word choice of the author.
  • I can talk to others about the character, plot and theme of the book.

You may select a book from the Oxford Owls website or select a book of your own and complete an activity from the reading task sheet.  These are on the Teams files if you can’t find the one sent home with you.





L.I.  – I am learning to find equivalent fractions

S.C.    –

  • I can identify the fraction of a shape
  • I can compare that fraction to another
  • I can find fractions that are equal in size

Maths 28.4.20

Leader in Me assembly.

We will be looking at the next habit in Leader in Me – Think Win-Win

Leader in Me – Habit 4 Think Win Win Intro Assembly

Art with Miss Mackie

See Miss Mackie’s tasks

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