Here are the learning activities for today.  Primary 5 can join us on our Teams to find out what we have been up to.  I will be doing conference calls at 10am, 11am and 2.30pm today.


P.E with Mrs McMaster – 

L.I.  – I am learning to stay active and healthy

S.C. – I can begin the day with some activity.

–  I can waken up my body and mind by following the instructor.

Materials available on teams.

Reading – This task is the John Muir day reading comprehension.  There is a choice of mild, Spicy and Hot Challenges.  You can select your own level of challenge.  The answers are there and will help you if you are really stuck but try not to look at them before you have given it a go yourself.  Once you have read the text you will be working on your scanning technique.

Scanning – You begin by selecting a keyword from the question.   You then look for that keywords in the text to try to narrow down the part of the biography where the answer can be found.  Once you have found this part of the text, read the sentences before and after the sentence containing the keyword.  Within these sentences you should be able to find the answer.

L.I.  – I am learning to read for information.

S.C.    –

  • I can read a text with an understanding of its meaning.
  • I can look for key words in the text to help me look for the answers to questions.
  • I can reform the information in the text as a sentence to answer the question.

John Muir Reading Comprehension


Writing – Take some time to look at the newspaper Report Power point

L.I.  – I am learning to create a newspaper report.

S.C.    –

  • I can select a topic for my writing.
  • I can think about the type of text that I have chosen (layout, type of language, paragraphs).
  • I can make notes and plan what is going to be in my newspaper report and where in the report the information be written.

Newspaper Powerpoint

Happy News Report



L.I.  – I am learning to simplify a mixed fraction

S.C.    –

  • I can use a diagram to identify what fraction has been shaded.
  • I can use my knowledge of the multiplication tables to simplify the fraction has been shaded.
  • I can write a mixed number with a whole number and fraction.

29.4.20 Maths

I will meet you on a call at 11 am today on Teams if you would like help.




We are going to begin our topic of weather I would like you to think about what you know about weather and what you would like to know.  We will gather together for a call and work from a KWL grid online when planning your learning.


First we will have to create a KWL grid of all your ideas.


I will try to set this as an assignment in Teams today and send you a blank KWL grid to fill in.  If this works I should be able to collate the results and display it to you during our lessons.


So for today we are going to fill out the K  – What you Know and the W  – what you Want to know.



Mindfullness  – It is important that you take some time for yourself to reflect on your own wellbeing.  Here are some links to mindfulness practices that can guide you.  You may use your own if you like.



Spanish revision

Here is some revision of some of the Spanish that you have done this term.

Greetings –

Numbers and colours-

General revision

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