Hope everyone has been having a good week so far?
Storming ahead in the SumDog leader board this week so far, for both Spelling and Maths, is Mikey ! Super impressed, can anyone take over him now?
I am also very impressed with the top three places on Prodigy this week so far;
1st place Michael
2nd place John
3rd place Skye
Keep up this great work Primary 2.
There seems to be less individuals competing this week 9 for spelling and 9 for maths??….come on guys let’s get our brains active.
I have also received some more photos in, I love receiving these and they lift my spirits.
Its lovely to see the Mothers day seeds we planted growing into flowers, does anyone else have a photo of their plant to share? If you have anything you would like to share with me please sent it to: wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk
Mrs Keenan would like to share with you a free music resource: https://sameboatmusic.com/
You will need an adult to sign up to it however it is free. I know that we all enjoyed music in school, music lessons, listening to concentration music when working or having a dance at the end of the school day to some of our favorite songs – this always made us happy ( even those who didn’t want to dance).
Listening to music and dancing is a great way to keep fit and lifting your mood….why not give it a go! Remember to dance like no one is watching!