Good morning Primary 1!
How has your week been? Monday and Tuesday were holidays – What did you do?
Have you been going out for walks? I went for a long walk last night and spotted a deer! It was very pretty. What have you seen or heard on your walks?
We hope you are managing to work through the tasks and you are enjoying them. It’s been nice hearing from some of you, it really makes us smile!
Next week is St. Mary’s HEALTH WEEK. We are sending out fun ideas/websites that you can try out at home. Even though we are not in school, there is nothing to stop us all from taking part in Health Week! Mrs McMaster has been busy organising a different type of ‘Sports Day’ and this year it’s going to be ‘Sports Week’. Check the school blog and school website from Monday to find out more about the activities we have put together.
It’s been a bit of a strange time for all of us, but remember this won’t last forever and one day we will all be back together. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
We hope this makes you smile. Join in with singing and dancing!