This week is extra special as it is Health Week. Lots of the activities this week are linked to staying fit and healthy and on Friday we will have a Sports Day with a difference! There is a separate blog post with lots of ideas for you to try; it also has information on our sports day. I hope you have fun while getting fit.
Remember eating well is part of being healthy, try
something new – make a smoothie or try new vegetables.
This week’s learning grid is below and you can also find it on the school website:
Grid –Primary 2 Home Learning Grid WB 11th May
School Website –
If you have anything you would like to share with me please send it to :
Please remember that we are all special and all have our own talents: some of us can run fast, others can jump high, some can dance better and some of us find it scary to eat vegetables – it’s okay, we do not need to be the best at everything as long as we give it a go.
Talking about your emotions also helps to keep you healthy, try and talk about how trying different things makes your feel, think about what Triggers the different Emotions in you!
We are also moving on to Habit 5 in Leader in Me, please use the link below to watch the video Habit 5: Lily’s missing red paint.
Everyone is doing a fantastic job with your home learning and it has been so good to see the learning that you have done with your families that is not on the home learning grid! Keep up the good work.
Enjoy Health Week Primary 2.