Hello all, I hope we are well.
It’s Health Week! Be sure to follow the challenges set on the blog – Miss Huxley will be joining in too – I am starting by making myself a smoothie for breakfast.
I have heard that some of you have been working really hard at home, it’s lovely to know you are engaging – it put a huge smile on my face. The school email address is wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk .. If there are any issues sending to this email please comment on the blog.
Please find this week’s learning grid attached below, however if you prefer you can access it at the school website following this link:
Please also find attached maths worksheets and guided practice. This week we are revising prior learning from Primary 3, in relation to addition and subtraction. Remember to draw pictures and write out out any steps you took in order to get your answer.
Well done to Oliver who won last week’s maths challenge
and well done to Kara who won the spelling challenge. I have set up new challenges on Sumdog for this week.
P3 Home Learning – W.B. 11th May 2020
Maths Guided Pratice – W.B. 11th May
Please remember you can contact me via the email address:
See you soon!
Miss Huxley