Hey Ness Class!
It’s a new week and this week we would have been joining in lots of fun activities in school for health week. Just because we are all at home doesn’t mean that we miss out. There’s lots of fun ideas to enjoy health week at home where you can be safe and healthy. Check the link below:
Health Week 2020 at St. Mary’s Polbeth
Mrs Campbell thought she’d try to start her week off by following a fitness video in her living room. It was tough going and I really needed you all there to encourage me on, but I persevered and kept going right to the end. I really needed a long drink of water and a lie down by the end!! I think some of you would have laughed to see me all puffed out.
Mrs McMaster has been busy planning some fun sports day activities too and she’s hoping to crown the winning house with the cup. Have a look at some of the ideas and see if you can join in.
Missing you all.
Take care and stay safe!
Mrs Campbell xo