Hi Rannoch Boys and families!
Hope you all managed to have a good weekend with your families. The weather still remains good so getting outside will be great and I’m sure you’ll be able to do this a little bit more now we are allowed to!
It is St Mary’s Health week this week and our new home learning grid for Rannoch Class can be found at,
There you will find some great cross curricular activities that are healthy, educational and fun! Many thanks to our Health Committee, who provided a fantastic bank of activities to choose from.
You can also find out how our other classes are getting on by sampling some of the whole school blogs. This would be a good opportunity to navigate the blog part of the School website, and find Rannoch blog posts because you have a learning activity this week that involves finding our blog posts! Blog site on the following link,
Included in the latest learning grid for Rannoch Class you will find at, (https://stmarysprimarypolbeth.westlothian.org.uk/article/50833/Home-Learning) are activities for ‘Sports with a Difference’.
The following link will give you lots more support and information on how to complete this successfully,
St Mary’s ‘Sports with a Difference’ Activities 15.5.20
As you know, we will not be able to compete in a ‘Sports Day’ as we would normally do on our School Sports field this year. Mrs MacMaster, our P.E. teacher has provided us with 6 fantastic activities on the above link. You can try and do these at home with your families and gain house points by completing them, taking photos for evidence and sending into the school. There will be a winning house by the end of Friday, although it will be next week before we find out who the winning house is after all the points are counted! So come on boys, you can do it!
Finally, if you can manage to complete the following survey of school Lunches that would be fantastic and a great help at this time, copy this link into your browser to access…
Try your hardest to do as much as you can to complete as many of the home learning activities! Send some pictures in for us to see! Missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all!
Take care of yourselves and your families,
Mrs MacDonald