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Good morning everyone!  The sun is shining again on Day 2 of St. Mary’s Health Week.  How did you get on yesterday?  Did you manage to start any of the suggested activities or Sports Day activities?

An important reminder about Sports Day: 

  • You can earn 10 House Points points for taking part in one of the Sports Day activities.
  • There are 6 Sports Day activities.  So, in total, you could potentially earn a maximum of 60 points for your House.
  • You will not earn any House points for taking part in the suggested Health Week activities.
  • In order to earn the points, you must send in photos or videos of you taking part, or a list of your scores.
  • If you send 6 photos/videos/scores of the 6 Sports Day activities you will earn 60 House points.
  • Send evidence to:
  • The six Sports Day activities are: 
  • Activity 1 – Shuttle run

    How fast can you run a 5m distance 20 times?

    If 5m is too big for your garden you can run a shorter distance more times.

    Video resource 1


    Activity 2 – Socks in a box

    In 60 seconds, how many pairs of socks can you match, then run 3m and put them in a basket?


    Video resource 2


    Activity 3 – Speed bounce


    Roll up a towel.  How many times can you jump, with feet together, side to side over the towel in 20 seconds?


    Video Resource 3


    Activity 4 – Toilet roll tower

    Using only your feet, how many toilet rolls can you stack one on top of the other in 60 seconds?


    Video Resource 4


    Activity 5 – Target throw

    You need 10 objects, e.g. pairs of socks. How many objects out of 10 can you get in the basket?

    Don’t stand too close! About 3m for P1-3, 5m or further for P4-7.


    Video Resource 5


    Activity 6 – Egg and spoon

    Find a small round object (a ball, small pair of socks, chocolate egg, boiled egg) balance it on a spoon and walk up and down your shuttle run area. How many laps can you do in 60 seconds? If it drops go back to the start of that lap.


    Video Resource 6


Have a super day!

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