Hello to our amazing Primary 1’s! How are you? We have absolutely loved hearing from you this week. It’s been amazing seeing photographs of you taking part in Health Week and Sports Day, as well as some of your home learning activities – you’ve been busy!
We think your parents are doing a wonderful job at home learning, so a huge, big ‘well done’ from us!
Have you enjoyed Health Week? What has been your favourite activity? Did you find anything tricky? I wonder which House will be the winner. Mrs McMaster will tally up all the points today and the winning House will be announced on Monday!
Here we are doing some Sports Day activities. If you haven’t done so yet, please send yours in too!
After this busy week, how are you feeling? Reflect on what you have done this week and how you have felt. Are there times you’ve felt really happy or even really sad? Stop and think about your feelings; talk about them. It’s OK to feel the way you do and it can help by talking about your feelings with an adult.
For today we just want to send out love and ‘air hugs’. Here’s a couple of songs to make you HAPPY!
Have a happy weekend everyone! Stay safe.
Mrs Gaffney and Mrs Swanston