Welcome to a new week Primary 2

I hope you have all had a good weekend and enjoyed that extra day off?

It was great to see so many of you participating in Health Week and Sports Day – picking up lots of points for your House teams! Keep your eyes peeled for an update from the Health Team with the winning house!

Please click on the link to view our class contribution to Health Week and Sports Day. https://sway.office.com/YbmjE49GZIkhBiFc


This week’s learning grid is below and it can also be found on our school webpage.

Primary 2 Home Learning Grid WB 18th May

Webpage link


In our learning grid for the week beginning the 27th of April I had asked if you could write me a letter. I have been blow away by the efforts from Joe! I picked up his letter on Friday, it was so lovely to read what he has been up to. If you have completed your letter I would love to read it. You could get an adult to take a photo of it or if you pick up a lunch you could hand it into the school.



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