and good morning to our Primary 1 stars! We hope you have had a super week and enjoyed the Monday holiday.
Hopefully, you will have seen that following this year’s Sports Day, the House winner is:
St. Andrews!
A huge well done to all who took part and sent in photographs and videos to the school. Look at the cup! It’s all dressed in St. Andrews House colour. Well done to all involved!
Can you try out some of these yoga poses? You’ll need to find a suitable space, either in your house, garden or local park. What’s your favourite pose?
Here’s some Yoga videos to try out:
Listen to this lovely story below. It’s all about worries.
Ruby loves being Ruby. Until, one day, she finds a worry, and it won’t stop growing. How can Ruby get rid of it and feel like herself again?
To parents:
This is a beautiful, sensitive look at anxiety and how a problem shared is a problem halved. Ruby is a young child who develops a very small worry that slowly gets larger over time. It becomes so huge that it begins to overcrowd her happiness. Ruby’s worry is shown as a messy, yellow scrawl of a face (tiresome but not scary looking), which follows her around, takes up room and pushes her to the side. The soft, smudgey colours slowly fade out until the rest of the world is in black and white and the focus of everything is just Ruby and her all consuming worry. When Ruby makes a friend, who has a worry too, and talks about what’s bothering her, everything explodes with colour and the world goes back to normal. Ruby soon realises that everybody gets worries, and they are nothing to be frightened of.
Take some time to talk to your family about how you are feeling this week. Ask people in your home how they are . Could you write them down, or make a feelings picture? We can experience lots of different feelings each day and that is OK. Remember, all feelings matter and it’s good to talk about them.
Remember it is ‘Free Writing Friday’ day! What will you draw and write about today?
Stay safe and look after each other. We miss you very much and we are sending out lots of love! Have a great weekend, boys and girls.
Mrs Gaffney and Mrs Swanston