Hello Primary 3,

I have been really delighted with all your home learning efforts over the last week. Whoosh! Parents and children alike should be proud of themselves.

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Remember that we always reflect on our week on a Friday. Can you tell someone in your house one new thing you learned this week?

good stuff

We had lots of entries for our book cover competition. I think that they are all great! The winning entry was by Kara! Well done!

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Sumdog Challenge results:

Spelling champion: Amie
Maths champion: Adam

gold medal

Well done to everyone who sent in Sports Day pictures and videos for health week. The winning house was St Andrews !! 

Have a lovely weekend, take time to rest and think about our ‘self-care clouds’.  What can we do to look after ourselves? Miss Huxley likes to listen to the radio or read a book.


Keep well,
Miss Huxley

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