Welcome back P2 – I hope you have all had a lovely weekend? The weather was not very nice but I still managed to get out for a nice big walk, did you get out at all?

I am so impressed with everyone’s efforts at home learning, keep this up. Parents you are doing a fantastic job!


Below is this week’s home learning grid and the link to the school website where you can also find the home learning grid. Please also keep your eyes peeled for Mrs Campbell’s sounds blog!

Primary 2 Home Learning Grid WB 25th May

School website: https://stmarysprimarypolbeth.westlothian.org.uk/article/50833/Home-Learning

I have also uploaded handwriting worksheets below. If you feel like you need to practice your writing more please look at these and try and copy the words into your home learning jotter.

Letter Join

It is important to be aware of our feelings. Below is a “feelings” chart, you can colour in a raindrop each day to show how you are feeling. Now we don’t need to print this, we can draw our own rain cloud chart, please use your home learning jotter to draw a rain cloud and raindrops to record how you are feeling.  You can use the colour key on the chart or you can choose what colour you want to represent your feelings.

feelings cloud

I have received some great examples of home learning, some science experiments, crafts, money work as well as photos of you having fun at home! Please take a look.


If you have anything you would like to share please send it into : wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk

If you are running out of space in your home learning jotter please pop into the school during lunch pick up time and collect another one.

I love receiving photos in so please keep them coming.


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