Hello Rannoch boys! Hope you and your families are all well! The weather has been great, quite a lot of sunshine, and a little bit of rain on a couple of days, which is not a bad thing for our gardens, plants and flowers!
Really missing you all – here’s a big virtual hug for you all… and looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Have you managed to access Sumdog, Prodigy, or Education City yet online? Or a little work in your class packs? Remember to let us know if you need anything or if we can help you with anything else! Don’t stress at all if you haven’t managed. I will be delighted to know you are all doing good, keeping safe and happy with your families!
Did you all hear that St Andrew’s House won Our ‘Virtual Sports Day Challenges’! Well done to St Andrew’s – 2 of our pupils in Rannoch Class belong to St Andrew’s House!
Great Stuff St Andrew’s! Well done!
There is also a new home learning grid on the website, if you’d like to take a look you can also click on this link:
25.5.20 Home Learning Grid – Rannoch Class
Miss Mains and Mrs Hilson are missing you too! Miss Mains has given you a challenge to do on this week’s home learning grid for cookery.
She has made a step by step guide to making ‘Twix Tiffin’.
You will find the step by step guide here:
Mrs Hilson challenges you to do the Daily Mile in your favourite costume! Click on the following link to see what she’s been up to!
Mrs Hilson’s Daily Mile Challenge!
One of your home learning activities involves recording your voice while counting in 2s,5s or 10s in a funny voice. Mrs MacDonald recorded herself counting in a robot voice! It was a lot of fun! Have a wee listen here and maybe see if you can manage the same!
Remember Rannoch Class Home Learning grid is on:
25.5.20 Home Learning Grid – Rannoch Class
Thinking of you all every day, take care of yourselves and your families.
Mrs MacDonald