Allons Parler En Français? | Evangeline Parish Library to our wonderful Primary 1’s!

Sun Safety***Please Read*** |How has your week been?  The weather has been very warm and the sunshine is to continue this weekend.  Stay safe in the sun by wearing sun cream, a sun hat, stay in the shade and drink lots of water too!

Goodbye May Hello June Sayings on Tumblr (With images) | Hello ...

We are now nearly at the end of another month and in a few days we will be in June!  As we approach the final month of term, we thought it would be nice to reflect on some of the fun experiences you have had this year in Primary 1.

Take time to think about what you have really enjoyed, challenges you have overcame, what you’ve learned, times when you felt really happy in school and things that you have achieved.  We are both very proud of every single one of you and the achievements you have made this year.  Next week we will let you know what our highlights have been!  Please share yours too.  Talk to your family about your ‘favourite bits’ in Primary 1!  You might even want to draw a picture of this.

Cressida Cowell's Free Writing Friday | Explore LearningTake a moment to think about what you want to draw or write.  It can be absolutely anything!  Ask an adult to set a timer for about 10 minutes, just like we do in class.  As soon as the timer sounds, you should stop and show what you’ve drawn or written for Free Writing Friday!  Why not do your free writing outdoors?

The danger of performance ratings | Training JournalUse your thumbs to show how you are feeling.  Thumbs up – you are feeling really good.  Thumbs middle – you are feeling OK.  Thumbs down – you are not feeling good.  Tell an adult how you feel and ask them how they are too.  It is always so important to share how you feel, and if you are feeling sad about something, talking can really help you.

Stay safe boys and girls.  We miss you and we are thinking about you.  Sending warm wishes to all your families.

GOOD-BYE !! - Despicable Me Minion | Meme GeneratorThank you to those who sent in photographs of learning at home and email updates too.  We always love hearing from you!

Mrs Gaffney and Mrs Swanston

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