Welcome to June Primary 2
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend
enjoying the glorious weather. I know that I have enjoyed spending lots of time outside; I had a BBQ, enjoyed some lovely walks and had some ice cream.
I am super proud of all the hard work everyone has been doing and how you are managing your work at home! Well done to all the parents who are supporting us in our learning!
New SumDog challenges have been set for Maths, Spelling and Grammar as well as Prodigy, good luck everyone.
Apologies for last week as some people have said that they could not get into the SumDog challenge – I hope this week will work better.
Below is this our learning grid for this week which is also available on our school website.
Grid:Primary 2 Home Learning Grid WB 1st June
Please remember to look out for Mrs Mackie ideas for art and Mrs Capmbell’s sounds posts.
Please have a look at our virtual classroom – lots of videos and links to more learning!I will be waiting for you there! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iNDqCP52Yhak-vbpqdsZE-94DOU59dAKWNkuTgzHopA/edit?usp=sharing
Remember if you have any work or photos that you would like to share with me please send them to: wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk
I miss you all so much; have a brilliant week Primary 2, stay safe.