Well done to Eilidh and Isla in Primary 6 who are working through the Pope Francis Faith Award.  The girls are continuing to work on this as part of their Home Learning, showing a true commitment to their faith.  Mrs Kellock and Miss Pritchard gave the girls a special ‘shout out’ at the P4 – P7 assembly last week.   They are exploring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and through their learning they become more aware of these gifts in their lives.  The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:




Piety (Reverence)

Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe)

Counsel (Right Judgement)

Fortitude (Courage)

Some examples of the girl’s work:

Here is a little video explaining more about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Well done Eilidh and Isla for your continuing hard work and dedication.  We are all very proud of you.  God bless.

Mrs Swanston.


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