Hello Primary 3,

Have a look at our learning over the last couple of weeks, well done everybody!


Video Task

As the last term of Primary 3 is drawing to an end, I thought it would be nice to make a video to mark our year and celebrate the fun times had together.

If you would like, send a short video of you displaying a message to your classmates. You can be active in your video: dance, jump, run or just stand still with a smile on your face. It is up to you!

Miss Huxley will put all these videos together and put some of our favourite songs in the background.

Access to Microsoft Teams

Since you will be starting Primary 4 after the summer holidays, you need to be set up on Microsoft Teams, a digital learning platform used to teach children in P4 – P7.

Your child can collect their username and password from the school lunch hall between 12pm and 1.30pm from Monday the 15th June. The letter will be addressed to your child – It is essential that the children keep the passwords safe and not share with anyone.

For support on accessing glow and TEAMs please follow this link: https://sway.office.com/ZO9JsHcgnSdze402


Thanks and have a nice day,

Miss Huxley

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