Hello Primary 3!
I hope you had a lovely weekend. In Edinburgh the weather was foggy!
It is foggy – il y a du brouillard
This week, if you can, please collect your Glow login from the school lunch hall between 12.00pm and 1.30pm. This login will allow you to access TEAMs. Please login to our P3 class team and say hello!
If you have any questions please email the school office for the attention of Miss Huxley.
If you would like, send a short video of you displaying a message to your classmates. Miss Huxley will put all these videos together to some of our favourite music. This will be a special way to celebrate the end of the school year and all the fun we had together as a class. Please send these videos to the school office.
Please find this weeks learning grid and Maths guided practice attached below:
P3 Home Learning – W.B. 15th June 2020
Maths Worksheets W.B. 15th June
Maths Guided Practice – W.B. 15th June
Have a lovely week and try your best,
Miss Huxley