It was lovey to see so many of you yesterday,  you are my learning heroes!




It’s Friday so that means its Free Writing. What will you write about today? Remember to share whatever you write with someone, if you would like to share it with me please send it into:


Thanks to everyone who has sent in a video message. We don’t have enough yet to make a video so please send in your videos with your message to your classmate as soon as you can – I can’t do this without you! Send the videos to:  I look forward to seeing all your faces! For those who have managed to send one  in already, well done and a great big thank you!

Remember it’s important to think about how we feel and what is causing us to feel that way. Have a check in with an adult. Yesterday Miss Stenhouse was feeling happy, happy is the emotion word.  The “trigger” for Miss Stenhouse feeling happy was seeing so many of your faces yesterday and getting to hear what you have been up to.

Emotion word – Happy

Trigger – Seeing my learning heroes



Finishing top of the leader boards this week:

SumDog Maths       1st Michael     2nd Mikey                                                  3rd Corra-Linn

SumDog Spelling    1st Mikey        2nd Michael                                                3rd Aine

SunDog Grammar  1st Mikey        2nd Aine         3rd Keir

Prodigy                     1st Joe             2nd Adam      3rd Iris


I miss you lots and I am so proud of you all! Sending lots of air hugs xx

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