Last week of Primary 2! Can you believe it?

As this is the last week of term I have prepared a virtual class trip for us to try with lots learning and fun involved.

To join in on the class trip download the PowerPoint and complete the daily tasks. This is a fantasy class trip to Disneyworld ! I hope you enjoy the activities.

Disney Virtual Trip P2

There is also a class home learning grid prepared, you can find it below or on the school webpage:

Primary 2 Home Learning Grid WB 22nd June

Webpage –

I hope you have all had time to have some adventures with your flat “Miss Stenhouse” I have  received some great photos in already but I would love to see some more. If you have any photos please send them into:

P2 Movie Makers – we are still looking for more video messages or photos…please get these in as soon as possible to



Wishing you a magical last week in Primary 2!

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