To all the boys, girls and aliens in Primary 3.

I would like to say .. thank you!

Thank you for a year which was so fun, happy and eventful.

I loved teaching and learning with you. I have so many special memories which I will never forget.

Have a look at this video below; it would not have been possible without you!


What a year we had!

Go to this Sway

My top five memories

1. Making up the ‘Chimney sums’ song together.. sing with me.. when we do our chimney sums we always start by adding the .. ONES!

2. Our ‘games day’ where all brought in a board game from home and played together

3. Making sandwhiches in class.. Miss Huxley had a leave the classroom and an alien arrived?

4. The good fun we had performing in the nativity, class assembly, Scots’ poetry and our drama work shop

5. Your love for animals! We even named our tables point after them.. and went looking for YUCKY worms

We didn’t get to come together and say goodbye in person but I will see you soon! You are leaving the ‘infant school’ to join Primary 4! You are already so responsible and mature that I know you will be great.

Always remember; it’s okay to make mistakes, and in a world where you can be anything, be kind!


Have a super summer,

Miss Huxley

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