Waw, what a first week we have had in primary 1.  Everyone has settled in so well and can follow the school routine.  We were so impressed with our P1 stars!

Shooting Star Art Sticker by Re Modernist for iOS & Android | GIPHY

We  learned how to read and write the letter p and a.  At the craft area we made pizzas and apples and we used magnets to find the  p and a magnetic letters.

We have been counting up to 10 and  can even say the numbers backwards.  It was fun writing all the numbers with chalk out in the playground.

We have been reading all about Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy who will be in our reading books.  We liked the story about Kipper getting his finger stuck down the plug hole.

ORT characters sheet | Teaching Resources

Well done to everyone who remembered to come to school on Wednesday dressed in their sporty clothes.  We will have P.E. every Wednesday outdoors and all pupils should come to school with their P.E. kit on.


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