Primary 4 have had another busy week, full of learning and fun!

We are working hard learning about using non-fiction books and sites. We can use the contents, the Index, the Glossary and the captions to find out information.

We have learned facts about Psalms. We say Psalms at Mass and we can find them in the Bible.

We have been working hard on Place Value and Rounding to the nearest 10 in Maths. We are doing really well.

We had great fun measuring area and drawing shapes. We drew a square on different sizes of square paper then we learned how to use square centimetres. We drew round our feet and discovered how much of Scotland we stood on. We looked at a drawing of a square metre too! We read statements about area and put them in the Ring of Truth or the Circle of Falsehood.

We learned more about what Romans wore.

We worked very hard on completing our Wellbeing Indicators in Health and Wellbeing. You can see our wonderful display on the ‘Going Up’ staircase!

What a busy week we had!

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