This has been another busy week in P.1.

We loved joining in with the whole school virtual assembly on Monday.  We listened to some great songs about working together and we learned that our families are very important.  Our family takes care of us, they help us when we are worried, they love us and we are all connected to our family. We drew a Selfie portrait of our families.

We learned 2 new letters this week, m and r.  We can now write the letter m and know words that begin with m.  Monster, mum, Maisie, Macey, Michael and mouse.  We had great fun turning Woody, Batman, Snow White and Cinderella into funny monsters. We recorded our work by taking photos on the ipad.  We did colour by number monsters which helped with our colour and number recognition.

We played letter bingo using a letter dice and bingo dabber.  We threw the dice and had to try to win bingo by colouring all of the letters.

Our IDL topic this term is All About Me.  We know that we are all unique and different.  We looked at ourselves in the mirror and drew a self-portrait.  We said the rhyme Head, shoulders, knees and toes and played Simon Says.  We then worked in pairs to draw each other.  We drew around our body and then added the features that make us individual, the colour of our eyes, our hair and other features.

At St. Mary’s we know that we can all be leaders and The Leader in Me programme shows us how.  There are 7 habits which we can use in our every day life to help us become leaders and the first habit which we learned this week is BE PROACTIVE. We will try to take the initiative in our learning and be responsible for our own learning. Other ways we can be proactive in school are,  lining up before class, cleaning up at the end of day,  walking quietly in hallways and turning off lights when leaving the room.

Habit 1: Be Proactive - iLEAD Antelope Valley

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