P6 have been creating a descriptive setting this week linked to our class novel, The Nowhere Emporium. We explored the use of figurative language and discovered how useful our senses can be when writing.  We also looked at the structure of our sentences and challenged ourselves to alter the order and extend them.

“My eyes wondered over to the table of food that was only a metre away.  I was astonished by the sheer amount of things to eat.  There was everything from chocolate strawberries to roast chicken.  The bright sunlight blinded me as I grabbed an apple from a nearby apple tree.  It crunched as I took a bite, the sweet juices flowing through my mouth like a river.”  Abbey.

“…there was an old-fashioned grey door.  It was hard to open.  After many tries, I finally succeeded and found myself in a forest not far from an ordinary medieval village.”  Karol.

“As I walked down a large, dim hallway, there it was, the door I was looking for…”  Aiava.

Have a lovely long weekend.


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