The weather has allowed quite a bit of Outdoor Learning to take place over the weeks, with the boys enjoying their P.E outside, among their gardening and other activities. This week they spent some of their PE time with Mrs Smith on the ‘Trim Trail’ which they love very much!

The garden area is coming along nicely, just continuing some Autumnal preparation in time before Winter sets in. The Class continue with  a ‘have a go’ attitude trying to better different skills needed in the garden. It’s definitely not easy work, but what a bunch of happy young people who love being outside.

Maths this week had the class working on various tasks, using materials, and also playing different Maths games re-enforcing learning.

In language / phonics work, they were revising and learning their sounds supported by  the Smartboard in a competitive way- what fun they had whilst learning! More of this to come!

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