Primary 3 have been embracing Maths Week Scotland. We have been using a variety of ways to talk about numbers.

During our outdoor learning we collected natural materials to make number stories, we counted how many trees/ leaves/ acorns/ flowers and bugs that we could find and tried to organise them into a chart.

We have fully engaged with the national SumDog competition and have did our class and school proud – well done to all the students and to the adults at home who are encouraging participation!

Top of the Leader Board this week was:

1st – Kiegan

2nd – Keir

3rd – John

Everyone is super excited to see who will get the prize next week!

Our Maths No Problem books were also used as well as lots of active numeracy tasks which the children enjoy!

Mikey – I like when we get to write on the desks.

Nathan – I like when we get to come out and be in a sum.

Joe – I liked collecting things outside to make into sums.

Ceiladh – I like when we get to use the smartboard.

Michael – I like using the iPads.

We will continue to use online platforms for our homework. This week we will be using Prodogy. The children have all logged in and used this before and a letter with instructions was sent home with the children, however another copy, with login details, will be sent home with the children on Monday. The children will need to login with the new class code to move them up to Primary 3, there will then be a placement test.  Homework for this week will be to complete the placement test.

We have found it interesting learning about Egyptian Gods this week, we were surprised that there were so many Gods and how they all look very different. We worked together to make a fact file for a God with a partner and these are now displayed in the school.

On Friday we had our first school Mass. Primary 4 lead the Mass and it was lived streamed around the school so we could all join in.





We are very excited to be able to watch Fantastic Mr Fox next week. We have enjoyed hearing the story and are keen to see if the movie is different to the book.

During the week we have been revising our first 100 common words and some of us have found this a bit tricky, it would be great if we could practice these at home regularly. This will help us to feel more confident when writing and reading.First 100 Common Words Wall Please download and practice.

Have a lovely weekend Primary 3, you have earned it!

PS. Please remember to practice your reading and bring your

reading book back into school every day!

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