We have been participating in the Mini London Marathon throughout the week and we are very pleased to say we achieved our target and have received a certificate for this! Some of us found it more challenging than others but we all showed perseverance. We used the grass playing field as well as our playground to run round. We should all be proud.


As we are in Autumn we have noticed that the leaves are beginning to change colour and fall off the trees. We have collected lots of beautiful leaves and are pressing them over the October holidays so we can make them into pictures when we return. Some of us even collected extra leaves at home! We have discussed the science behind pressing the leaves and we all agreed that we did not want crispy leaves.

We have been learning about fractions – working out equal groups and focusing on half’s and quarters. We have made lots of lovely pizzas to help us remember. We had lots of fun doing this.

We had been reading Fantastic Mr Fox in class and the children were very keen to watch the movie to compare them. We all enjoyed the movie and we made posters to let everyone know if we preferred the book or the movie. We all agreed that it was very different from the book.

Everyone in the class has been given home Seesaw login details. This will allow the children to upload work they complete at home for the teacher to see. The teacher can also assign them tasks through Seesaw. All the children have been using this in class and are very familiar with it – please ask them to show you how it works.

We are loving using our IT in class to support our learning and this week we used Kahoot for the first time. The children worked in pairs to complete a fractions quiz- it was all very exciting!

We read a lovely story in class this week.  Lots of the children are missing being able to hug loved ones just now and this opened up a discussion about this and how although we cant hug just now there are other things we can do and we all know we are loved.Have a lovely October Holiday everyone!


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