Autumn comes every year of course, and Rannoch Class were learning more about Autumn time this week, and learnt a new word for sure – deciduous! Wonder will the boys remember what that word means when they come back from the Autumn holiday? We will be checking! They completed an Autumn frieze, which they had a lot of fun and learning with through the week at different times.


Rannoch Class are learning the months of the year, some managing them all now and other working hard to learn them in a fun way.

Look what we found in the garden this week while we were digging – is it Caterpillar larvae or moth larvae? Let Rannoch Class know please if you are an expert!

Some of Rannoch Class were learning to use a number line on the smartboard to help them subtract. They also played a board game which helped their mental maths skills in addition and subtraction.

Some of the boys were learning how to place digits in order on the smartboard, and also learning to form their handwriting letters. Rannoch boys are working hard at their writing and using the smartboard to help themselves learn in a fun and active way.

It’s been lovely to have the boys back in school, seeing their wee faces everyday light up because they are in school and learning together… when checking in with them every morning, and asking them how ‘they are this morning,’ it is very evident that they are happy to see each other, and that they love coming to school. They are also very good at telling when they may not be so happy, but these days have been few and far between. They have risen to the challenges that Covid -19 has thrown into the mix, and given us challenges to overcome, but we made it!  The boys try really hard to remember the three basic rules – which almost all can reiterate back-

  1. Wash hands,
  2. Social distance,
  3. Wear a face covering

Our class APSWs Mrs Hilson & Miss D have been immense in making things happen through the term and helping Mrs MacDonald run the class smoothly and support the pupils in every way – we thank them very much, and although we have had some challenging days, most days have been great and our class have loved  being back in school and learning! Thank you to all the parents too for helping your children through these challenging times.

Some of the boys’ comments from morning group this morning – check-in as follows:

‘I’ll miss school next week when we are on holiday’

‘I feel happy today because all the boys are in school today’

‘I’m happy and excited about school because I don’t know why!’

‘I like school and the weather is good today’


‘I’m happy today because XXX is back in school today and it’s also P.E. day today!’

Have a lovely restful break and we look forward to meeting parents early next term, albeit ‘virtually’ or on the telephone! 

Remember our Rannoch Class Sway document can be viewed at:

Mrs MacDonald

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