Hopefully by now you will have seen the Sway Production of St. Mary’s Nativity Story 2020. It is going to be posted on the School App. As you can imagine, we had to practise lots of the experiences before we became comfortable with what we were to do. We dressed up in costumes as Mary, Joseph and their neighbours. We visited the P.E. Hall where the green screen stage area was set up. We learned that when you are very happy and looking forward to an event, we call that ‘excited’ and that you can see this by looking at our body movements.

Bubble sensory play always makes Tay Class very excited and we played our parts beautifully, no stage fright for us as you will see! Sheer joy and excitement at the news that Mary was going to have a special baby (or possibly just that so many bubbles were coming out of the bubble fountain)?

No filming is complete without outtakes:

Thank you to Miss Stenhouse who expertly edited our filming and added the background and music!

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