What a great first week of online learning.

Miss Stenhouse would like to take a minute to let all of Primary 3 know how proud I am of them.

What a super effort everyone has been making with our online learning on Seesaw.

I would also like to say  a big well done to all the grown-ups at home who are helping you with this new way of learning, I appreciate that this can be a tricky task at times.

I love seeing your videos and hearing your voice messages, it fills my bucket up to the top with happiness.

A new timetable will be issued on Monday and the tasks for each day will be available in the mornings.

Keep working hard Primary 3.


If any grown-ups need help with any aspect of the online learning please send a message to:

wlstmaryspol-ps@westlothian.org.uk – for the attention of Miss Stenhouse.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will watch out for you online next week.

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