This morning Primary 2 have been learning all about the life of St. Patrick and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and traditions. We made St. Patrick’s Day cards and listened to stories and watched videos about his life. We listened to a beautiful hymn called “Hail Glorious St. Patrick”. Click the video to listen to at home:
Tyler – A place in America turns the river green for St Patrick’s Day. Lots of people celebrate!
Zuzanna – People like to dress up wearing green and a funny hat.
Brax – St. Patrick was a Priest. He told people about God.
Kornelia – Some people go to Church on this day.
JJ N – He was born in Wales.
Jackson – He was a slave and escaped after 6 years.
Macy – We watched a video of people in New York and they had a big parade for St Patrick’s Day.
Raeya – It’s on 17th March every year, that’s when he died.