It’s that time of year again – planting! How much the boys looked forward to this after last year when it was all cancelled due to lockdown! They were learning how to plant  beetroot & carrot seeds in the school garden. What a good job they did!  They also learnt more about recycling from a presentation led by P5 in their whole school assembly which was held in virtual Teams across the school. Rannoch Class continued their learning about famous painters, except this time focusing on one of the 4 Scottish Colourists, who lived around the late 1800s. These painters used bold bright colours in their artwork and loved to paint landscapes from the Scottish Islands, especially the Isle of Iona.  The boys finished their learning for now about money, by playing some money bingo and some money pairing games. They also learned a bit about St Partick the Patron Saint of Ireland and made a split pin leprechauns as a fun activity. Health and wellbeing continues to be a big focus for us – the boys learned more about coping strategies (what that means) and how they can use them when they are in the ‘yellow’ or ‘red’ zone with their feelings and emotions. It was a good busy week and the weather was great!

Mrs MacDonald

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