Outdoor Learning : The Extended Classroom – A&DS

This morning we enjoyed another Outdoor Learning session with Alice.  We visited the local area woods and explored.  It is always so much fun taking our learning outside.  Here are some of our thoughts.,.

Curtis – I love climbing tress, but I don’t go too high because that’s dangerous!

Tyler – What I like about outdoors is what we can explore.  What I will say is don’t climb tress too high because you might get hurt, so just be careful!

Zak – Today was really fun.  I like picking up sticks and pinecones and looking at them.

Raeya – I built a den and used sticks, leaves and twigs.  Then I made a bed and it was a wolf den!

Kornelia – I made a den too and we used sticks and leaves to make it and there was a bed in it.

Leo – Alice put up a long rope for us and I walked across it.

Jacskson – I went along the rope and if I didn’t hold onto the teacher’s hand, I would fall straight away, so I held on and I didn’t fall.

Louisa-Faith – It was really fun going along the rope.  I had good balance.

Lyle – I enjoyed walking across the rope myself and I fell and landed on my feet and my shoe went flying away!

Macy – Me and Harry made a wee den and Alice gave me flower seeds and I planted them.

Brax – I used the big rake on the ground.


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