We have had an unusual but busy week here in Primary 4!
It was unusual because we were only at school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday!
We learned that May is the Month of Mary. We learned facts about Mary and we made our Holy Table into a May Altar. We will be thinking about the Mysteries of Light this month. We prayed a decade of the Rosary and thought about the First Mystery of Light – Jesus is Baptised.
We worked hard in Literacy. We had a Listening Challenge and we did plenty of reading. We learned how to use your and you’re properly. We had lots of good ideas!
In Art, we learned how to print with Miss Mackie. We are going to do more printing next week!
In French, we pretended that we were in a cafe. One of us was the waiter or waitress and other person was the hungry customer. We are very good at saying, ‘Je voudrais une pizza, s’il vous plaît.’
In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply bigger numbers like 13 x 2 and 14 x 3. You need to know your tables for this work!
We also worked on Information Handling, making bar graphs and interpreting the information. We are going to work on making our own bar graphs on Make a Graph:
Wow! What a lot of learning in just three days!