Frogs can lay thousands of eggs at one time but very few become adult frogs.

We found out that the collection of eggs frogs lay is called frogspawn. It looks like a large clump of jelly but is really lots of eggs stuck together. As the tadpoles inside each egg grow, they slowly eat the jelly that surrounds them until they are ready to hatch but they look and move a lot more like fish than frogs. Look out for our sensory play as we are going to make our own frogspawn. (Spoiler alert: raisins in lime jelly)!

The stage between a tadpole and the adult frog is called a froglet. As the tadpole gets bigger and stronger, it grows legs and arms and starts to develop its own set of lungs. Slowly but surely, the tadpoles starts to move from spending all of their time in the water to being able to breathe air on land like an adult frog.  Eventually, once the tail has almost vanished, the frog begins to explore dry land and changes its diet to insects and plants from the pond.

We had great fun watching videos and learning songs about this process. We made hats that showed the process in four stages.

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