Health Week (12th -19th May)

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Health week continued with the boys taking part in a fitness session with Mrs Thompson – thanks to Mrs Thompson for that – boys loved it! They also took part in a discussion about ‘Mental Health’ where the boys viewed slides prepared by Mrs Kathleen Campbell our Health & Wellbeing co-ordinator in our school. There was a discussion about being ’emotionally’ ready to learn stuff inside heads and minds, and tried to understand that if we are not ready emotionally, we can become very unwell if we’re not able to deal with problems when they arise. This work tied in very well with more class work done this week on ‘Emotion Works’ and in particular ‘triggers’ (see picture below)– what triggers us all emotionally and linking that also to their learning on ‘Zones of Regulation’ this session. These emotional triggers included sad, happy, fearful and angry. The boys were able to identify their own ‘triggers’ in these situations, which was super good followed by a discussion about strategies they try to adopt when they need to emotionally regulate themselves again.

Health week finished with Rannoch boys spectating at the P3 school sports which took place on the field at the back of the school.

Project Work / IDL

The boys made some creative hand & footprint Aliens in Arts & Craft for their Space project. They used their individual creative talents to decorate them to look very interesting! Some of them look pretty scary! The boys completed their ‘Adventure Stories into Space’ at different levels. They are very proud of their stories. Some of the boys were also learning about the difference between the homophones, ‘there’ ‘their’ and ‘they’re, ’while some of the others were learning about the sound ‘v.’


In Maths works, the learning at different levels on ‘Time’ was completed with some of the boys learning about ‘half past’ this week, using play dough on clock faces to demonstrate their understanding, while others learned ‘¼ past and ¼ to,’ and others learning all the ‘minutes in between.’ Well done boys!

Mrs MacDonald, Mrs Hilson & Miss De.

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