This week in Primary 3
We have continued to enjoy participating in the daily mile every afternoon. Some of us are getting very good at it. We are also learning how to skip, this has been lots of fun and hard work. Or perseverance is paying off and many of us can now “jump in” and jump for a long time.
In class we have been making designs to build castle with recyclable materials. We have enjoyed using technology to complete research on different castles to get ideas for our own castle.
In maths we have been looking at data, in particular we have been using pictographs. We can confidently read pictographs and understand how to get information from them. In groups we created our own pictographs, we enjoyed collecting the data and presenting it in a fun way.
During outdoor learning we learned about male and female plants and we got the opportunity to plant some of them in our school grounds. Up in the woodland area we used or maths skills to collect some data.