Rannoch class were busy this week making Space & Nature Mobiles, which they designed and decorated themselves. Great job boys, but the stringing together was very tricky – the boys exercised lots of patience doing this part, while enhancing fine motor skills in knotting and threading the fine string through the parts – the end product was worth it!

The class were in the Wooded beside the school area along with Alice, our Outdoor Specialist. This week they were identifying insects and took a special interest in one solitary ‘Bee’ that seemed to be injured on the ground. Alice scooped it up into a transparent specimen jar for the boys to look at closely. They loved this and were asking Alice lots of questions, to which she always had an answer!

The boys enjoyed playing a ‘Respect’ game for both Maths /HWB work. Our younger learners are getting really good at ‘counting on’ now in a game, while the older learners are becoming more independent playing the game, reading the prompts themselves and following through to finish.

Mrs MacDonald

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