We kicked off the week in style in Primary 3 by cheering on the national team. The children enjoyed cheering on Scotland. We made flags and had some Scottish themed treats. Although it was not the score we had wanted we all had fun cheering the team on together.


Primary 3 had a lovely walk up to the community garden on Wednesday. We spent all morning enjoying the woodland area that has been developed by the community. Once we built our dens we had some time to explore the Stick Man trail, the Fairy Garden and lots more. We found it difficult to light our camp fire due to the rain but we persevered and managed to toast some marshmallows before heading back to school for PE.

As we walked along the path to the garden and crossed the road this gave us the opportunity to revisit road safety, we were all very good at remembering the road safety rules.


We have continued with our class talks on castles this week and it has been great to get a variety of castles as well as a variety of facts. It is safe to say we have all really enjoyed learning about castles this term.


In maths we have been taking the time to revise and consolidate the work we have been doing throughout the year. We have become very good and explaining our learning and the strategies that we can use to solve a variety of mathematical problems.

We are looking forward to our last week in Primary 3 next week!

Have a lovely weekend.

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