What a lovey week it’s been, Rannoch boys have been having more Outdoor fun and exercise. We had the bikes, trikes and scooters out!

Mrs MacDonald had the pleasure of our P7 /S1 ASD transition Class– how much you have all grown! Thank you for helping with the weeding in the garden, and I hope your parents liked the lettuces you all took home. Good luck to you all in S1.

Team Rannoch – what a team! We have been working really hard this past Session and despite lockdown, some boys learning in school, some boys learning in ‘Teams’ from home,  our journey has been amazing and I can only thank you team Rannoch so much for learning so much, like little sponges soaking it all up! It however could not have been done without it being a team effort – this including our wonderful parents,  thank you, and many thanks also goes to Mrs Hilson & Miss De our classroom supports – you have both been immense – thank you so much from Mrs MacDonald & the boys!

Rannoch Class also had fun with bubbles and also said ‘farewell’ to their teacher Mrs MacDonald (hence the Gàidhlig header!) It was an emotional week in all, but Mrs MacDonald is very proud of Rannoch boys in St Mary’s Primary and is very proud of having been part of a talented and skilled whole school team. Thank you all St Mary’s, always will be in her heart!

Mrs MacDonald heads back home to her homeland on the Island of South Uist to teach once again in the Outer Hebrides – really sad to be leaving, but she will be back again to visit! Thank you so much for all the lovely gifts; really been overwhelmed by all your generosity and is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Best of luck boys in Primary 5 &6 next Session!

Have a lovely restful Summer break.

Mrs MacDonald-Spence

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